Tuesday, 7 April 2015



The materials handling subdiscipline enchances the efficiency of the logistics process by providing an efficient and responsive flow of materials within the context of the facilities for which the systems were designed.
Materials handling management can be defined as art and science of moving, storing, protecting and controlling material. It also known as a technique employed to move, transport, store and distribute material with or without the aid of mechanical appliances.

Materials handling objectives

1.       Eliminate or reduction to a minimum of all movement which adds no value to the product.
2.       Improvements in working condition such as increases the safety and accident.

Principles of materials handling systems
Guided by the following basic principles:
1.       Handling should be reduced to a minimum.
2.       Distances over which materials are handled should be as short as possible.
3.       Routes of materials should be on the same level as much as layouts permit in order to avoid lifting and lowering.
4.       Once started in motion, materials should be kept moving as long as possible
5.       Mechanical and automatic menus of materials handling should be used wherever routes of travel and work volume justify the investment.
6.       Materials handling equipment should be standardized to the greatest extent possible.
7.       Gravity flow (the least expensive form of energy) should be incorporated whenever practical.
8.       In mechanized systems, maximum investment should be in movement rather the stationary equipment.
In equipment section, an effort should be made to minimize the ratio of dead weight to payload.

Four basic methodologies of materials handling:
  • Manual systems
  •         Mechanized systems
  • Automated systems
  •       Combination systems

Types of movement in materials handling
1.       Movement continuity
·          It is better for a material handler to make a longer move
2.       Movement scale economies
·          All warehouse activities should handle the largest quantities

Economies utility of materials handling systems

Advantages of a materials handling systems:
combination system
1.       Increased efficiency of materials flow
2.       Improved facilities utilization
3.       Improved safety and working conditions
4.       Facilitation of logistics service functions
